Call: (585) 325-7727 | Email: | Located at Danforth Community Center,

200 West Avenue, 2nd Floor, Rochester, NY 14611, RTS BUS # 23


Equity and Justice for ALL.


What do we do? 

JPC offers evidence based re-entry services that help individuals impacted by the criminal justice system overcome barriers, access supports, and empower self-sufficiency.  

Need immediate assistance? View our resources list.

Executive Directors Message

Hello Community and friends,


My name is Shermond Reid, I am a wife, mother and grandmother, and the Interim Executive Director at JPC. As one formerly impacted by the criminal justice system, I have firsthand experience concerning the challenges that women and men face upon release from incarceration. The processes of community reengagement and societal reintegration can be a cumbersome experience. The weight of past choices, community intolerance and systematic disrespect creates barriers that make it hard for those with the greatest of intentions to succeed. Today, I am glad that I did not give in to the pull of returning back to my former mindset and way because those moments along my path were preparing me for such a time as this.


Therefore, it is with great pleasure, that I am able to serve in this capacity, where I can help create and promote restorative pathways for returning men and women to be able to have the best opportunity to live healthy, productive lives.


I confidently say that the past of the Judicial Process Commission is remarkable. However, JPC present is thriving and JPC future is expanding.


What We Do


JPC provides comprehensive, evidence based re-entry services to serve clients involved in the criminal justice system. Our programs help clients navigate legal barriers, build social networks and access food and shelter so they can achieve self sufficiency.

Read JPC Client Stories & Testimonials

Meet Our Team

Civil Action Program

We work with clients to reduce and eliminate barriers to successful re-entry through advocacy, increasing employability, and/or sealing records. We can assist you with rap sheets, applying for certificates of rehabilitation, and offering referrals to LawNY and the MC Public Defenders' Office.


Food, Shelter & Housing

We provide food, shelter and housing referrals to families affected by the criminal justice system. Give us a call to help connect you with information and support.

New Journey

We offer encouragement to mothers exiting the Monroe County Jail through weekly support groups, employability support, and holistic restorative pathways. Join New Journey today for help with housing or reunification with children and family.


Adult Mentoring

There is a critical need for mentors to walk alongside women and men affected by the criminal justice system.  We connect clients with peer-certified mentors to offer guidance and coaching to returning citizens.   Learn more about volunteering.


We stand with our community.

The passing of the Clean Slate Act, which aims to eradicate perpetual punishment, is a great win for those impacted by the criminal justice system.

Since passing, many have called in with questions and excitement. However, like you, we are waiting to hear what impact this will have for ex-offenders. At this time, we do not have answers. Once we have acquired more information we will give due diligence to keep you the community informed.  



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