Call: (585) 325-7727 | Email: | Located at Danforth Community Center, 200 West Avenue, 2nd Floor, Rochester, NY 14611, RTS BUS # 23
Judicial Process Commission;
Illuminating Your Path Home,
Supporting Your Journey of Reentry into Society
Our Mission & Our Vision
Mission: JPC creates a just, non-violent community, striving to strengthen individuals seeking reentry into society. We believe in and support the rights of all people affected by the criminal justice system and promote systemic changes that empower, inspire and guide people to develop their self-sufficiency. We provide person-centered, evidence-based, collaborative services. We advocate for positive change through mentorship, education, financial assistance, and other forms of advocacy.
Our Vision: JPC envisions a transformed society where formerly incarcerated community members are no longer marginalized and stigmatized, and feel empowered to lead fulfilling lives.
JPC strives to be the primary point of contact for individuals impacted by the criminal justice system. Committed to identifying alternatives to incarceration, we look forward to building a community that trusts and supports our efforts to assist those transitioning back into society.
Racism is a Public Health Crisis.
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